Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why Is Humira So Expensive Why Is Humira So Expensive And Where Can You Get It More Cheaply.?

Why is Humira so expensive and where can you get it more cheaply.? - why is humira so expensive

Humira and other drugs affecting the immune system is expensive because they are produced by genetic engineering is not just chemistry. You can e-mail Online Canadian Pharmacy, which is almost certainly find less expensive.


da shadow said...

Because they pay more for drugs in this country than any other country. Other countries pay less, because their economies are weak and can not afford the high prices we pay for. Moreover, no provisions on the price of drugs here. Pharmacies offshore drilling and the use of their drugs cheaper.
Can I get on the high seas drugs are less expensive than high-price requirements here and often originate from the same manufacturer.

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